My Proposal

I was going to start at the begining of next month, but then I realized that would be just more procrastination, which of course is the point. I propose that over the next 6 months that I work on my tendencies to wait till the last minute to accomplish goals and the measure I will use to gauge my success is a healthy excercise and eating program. I am also going to share some of my history and hopefully we will laugh and help each other.
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Sunday, April 11, 2010


I think people look at their lives like the events are not interconnected. I want to break my life down in to a series of chapters that will help me understand how I got here, where I am going and what is next. In doing this I hope other people can relate and maybe we can learn something together. The chapters follow no order, they are just coming to me as I go through a time in my life that is begging the questions, searching for the answers and all the while hoping for a happy ending. I am full of life, I am full of love and I have no idea how to go about sharing what I know, or admitting what I don't know. I hope you will join me!!